Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cancer, turning 31 & giving

Wow...when I mentioned technical difficulties I really meant it! For reasons still unknown, I couldn't sign into this blog for over a month! Well anyway, I'm back!

Since my last post in August, here's a quick recap that I'll elaborate on in a minute. In a nutshell, I turned 31, carried on the giving challenge, and my dad was diagnosed with cancer. Lots of happy, sad & mixed emotions!

Five years ago if someone had asked how I felt about turning 31, I would've cringed & said I dreaded getting "OLD". Now that I've cruised over the speed bump of turning 30 & full on entered my 30's by turning 31, I am really just 100% happy to be alive, and to say I made it to 31 & honestly look forward to the years to come. I've come to learn that you're really only as old as you feel...and much of how we feel lies within our control. I made the decision to be the best me that I embrace being given the gift of another beautiful year! I celebrated my birthday with my closest friends and was reminded how blessed I am. I've heard before that you truly become who you are in your 30's. I can already say that I believe that whole heartedly. Some people may find themselves earlier in life, but over the last 2 years, I've learned more about myself than I did in my 20's, and I'm excited to see what the years to come will unveil for me!

Now about the giving stuff...of course I'm not super woman, and I haven't stayed on top of giving every single day. However, since the official challenge I've made a conscious effort to give more, and to focus more on what I can do for others. In the process, I've developed friendships & met some amazing people! My eyes have been opened to the beauty that lies within people when they open their hearts & reach out to others. There is so much negativity on the news, in the world in general...but if you step away from that & get involved in something that presents you with an opportunity to give back, you'll see that there is also SO much positive in the world too! I've learned a lot about myself along this journey!

And last...I heard the words I've always feared, and am still allowing them to sink in.  My dad has cancer. He was diagnosed just a few weeks ago, and we don't yet have answers to the questions that come along with that kind of news. We're optimistic, and his attitude is great, which has made things easier.  Hopefully I'll have a positive update next time I post!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Last week of giving challenge

So, it turns out I had some technical issues with my blog after day 25 and wasnt able to get on and write! I did successfully finish the challenge, but I didnt write any of the details so I wont be sharing all of that. My last gifts included giving a nice donation to a family in need (from a fundraiser I helped with months ago that fell through), a chore free day for Bryan, and one of my favorites, I bought a copy of the book 29 Gifts on Amazon and am passing it along as soon as it arrives. My plan is to put my name and date on the back, with a little note in there to pass it on and do the same after reading. I hope the book gets passed around and that each recipient takes the challenge and pays it forward. I have this image of the amazing trickling effect this could potentially have on people, and it makes me want to buy 10 more books to randomly hand to people I encounter! Maybe I was only $4 shipped on amazon for a used copy!

This challenge had a seriously positive impact on my life. Yes, I still had some down in the dumps kind of days, but shifting my focus to more positive things became more and more easy. My intention is to get back into the swing of giving on a daily basis. I have also picked up a couple more books to read that teach ways to focus on the positives on life, and how it can change any circumstance you face on life. Over all, I feel like life is headed in an exciting new direction for meand my family. I thank every one of you who followed my challenge, and hope I have inspired some of you to do the same!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

#25- Advice

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
- Mahatma Gandhi

I know I've already given my time and a listening ear as gifts. But in all reality both of those things are valuable gifts, and there's no limit on the number of times you can give a particular gift. I say this especially because today was random & given with purpose.

I've learned recently that negative things that happen in life are sometimes just stepping stones to something positive. Personally, I've recently been able to take some negative events from my life to help others. Today a close friend was in need of some advice, from a standpoint that I myself have been in. I was able to have a very meaningful talk with her and gave some advice that was very valuable to her. I believe that everything in life happens for a reason & I've been blessed enough to recognize those reasons. I may have asked myself at the beginning of this challenge if having a conversation with a friend could really count as a gift. But being near the end I've discovered that it absolutely is.  Having a life altering conversation with a friend, and contributing advice that can greatly benefit them is not only a's a gift you can't put a price tag of a value on.  

Monday, August 12, 2013

#24- yard work.

Yes...that really does say yard work. And that really was my gift. While I do enjoy having a pretty yard...I really despise the upkeep. Bryan on the other hand would prefer doing the outdoor I don't argue. I'm even a little embarrassed to admit that I'm almost 31 & I've never ever mowed a lawn. I grew up with brothers so I never had to lol! Then I got married & well, still never had to.  I do enjoy planting flowers & adding personal touches to the yard. I just really hate bugs...and weeds. So I decided I'd shock Bryan and help him out in the yard for a change. We've been busy and thanks to lots of rain our weeds have been busy too. Busy growing and spreading, and providing a home for a new species of disgusting bugs that we discovered live back there now. Oh yeah, and they bite!

So there I was with my gloves and weed pulling tool...breaking my back bending over because I was too terrified to sit down amongst the bugs. I was feeling pretty good about my assistance. I pulled weeds, raked pine needles, then took a short break, apparently just in time. As I'm walking away from the weeds that are left I hear Bryan say " holy SNAKE". Pretty sure I did a record breaking sprint up our long flight of stairs to the backdoor. While I realize I'm a baby and bugs are a silly thing to fear...snakes take it to a whole new level. I'm 100% terrified of them & I'm sure had I been the one to discover it hiding in the weeds I would've fainted. I had tears in my eyes just looking at it as Bryan brought it onto the porch to show me through the locked door. Yep, tears over the sight of a snake. I realize garden snakes are harmless. But I also realize that I don't care...and I am now even more afraid of yard work. We've seen 3 snakes out there just this year. In 9 years here we had never even seen one!!  I'm not really thrilled.

I really hope Bryan appreciated my awesome, short lived efforts in the yard. It was a great gift in my mind...until the snake happened.

#23- random act of kindness

“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.”

The 14th Dalai Lama (1935)

I'm starting to be more aware of random opportunities to give, as my challenge nears the end. I've really enjoyed this challenge, and it's given me much more than I could have ever hoped for. When my 29 days is up, I plan to continue giving on a regular basis.

Day #23- Bryan and I had just dropped the kids off for a sleepover with their grandparents. We had plans to meet up with a few friends downtown to watch my brother's band perform.On the way there, as we exited the freeway we seen a homeless man on the corner. I've said before that I have a soft spot for the homeless. Yes there are some that I'm skeptical of...but I feel that those who stand on corners with signs who aren't honestly in need will be the ones carrying that on their conscience forever. Not me. I give because I know there ARE people in need, and I'm fortunate enough to be able to help.  This particular man was holding a sign that really stood out to me. He wasn't asking for $ or food specifically. His sign said " anything helps. Always remember to SMILE".  And he stood there waving & smiling at everyone. I couldn't help but feel like, wow...look how happy this guy is to just have someone smile & wave at him, rather than avoiding eye contact like most do. It didn't matter that most likely everything he owned was sitting in the bag next to him...or that it was 95 degrees & he was sweating to death in long sleeves...or that he was hungry & dirty. He was happy. We smiled & waved and I knew this was my opportunity. Bryan knew it was too. While we talked in the car about wishing we had something to give, we decided to drive to Wendy's near by & buy him dinner. Can I just say, not only does Bryan support me 100%, but he has a heart of gold & this meant as much to him as it did me. We got a combo meal & headed back to where the guy had been standing.He was walking away as we tried to find a place to pull over so we ended up having to turn around and find him. He had gone in a nearby restaurant to refill his thermos with water, so we waited outside for him. As he walked out, I approached him & told him I bought him dinner. He got tears in his eyes as he took the food, and said thank you.  As we left the parking lot, I seen him go sit under a tree and immediately start if he hadn't eaten all day. Tears filled my eyes & a sense of gratitude for this beautiful life filled my heart. A $6 meal became a priceless gift.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

#22- Simple reminders

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
― Mother Teresa

You never really understand the impact of a kind word, until you are the one it is spoken to. This week has been filled with SO many blessings for me, including many kind words. I am surrounded by the most amazing group of people. This week on two separate occasions, two friends who I've known for years...but really gotten to know more over the last few years on Facebook...posted the most sincere, heartfelt messages to me on my wall. Both came at a time when I needed to hear it. I think we often wonder how we are perceived by others, naturally. Having people I know, who I don't interact with  on a daily basis, go out of their way to let me know all of the positive things they see in me, meant so much. I have given the power of a kind word a lot of thought. How amazing would it be if we ALL went out of our way every now & then to say something nice to someone?  People's lives could truly be changed for the better! Think about that...

For gift #22 I decided to pay it forward with kind words. Since it was late & I knew my mom was in bed, I followed my friend's lead & posted on her Facebook wall. Just a simple reminder of why she's such an amazing mom, because she IS. The world was given an angel when my mom was born. Really. She is one of the most selfless people I've ever known. She always puts others before herself. She loves unconditionally, makes her family feel important & she sees the good in the world. She makes the world, and my life a better place! Have someone like this in your life? Let them know!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

#21- The gift of slowing down

Our life on Wednesdays has been pretty chaotic all summer. At one point we had back to back activities from 10 am until 5pm. It's just the way the schedules worked on that particular day so I decided I'd make the best of it. Normally we are in a rush, because I don't plan well & am always late. One of my biggest flaws. So I decided to slow down the pace a little bit this week. I planned ahead...made sure we had what we needed with us to avoid unnecessary trips back home that tend to stress everyone out. Things went so smoothly that we were able to stop & have dinner together between activities at a cool new kid friendly restaurant we discovered. It was nice to slow down the pace for once & enjoy each others company amidst the chaos. Kind of a weird gift...but it's amazing how life can adjust to stressful situations when you just slow down a little bit!