Monday, July 5, 2010

Love the 4th of July!

The 4th of July has always been a favorite holiday of mine! This year we spent the long weekend at home, which was nice! Saturday we went to the Magna town parade...laugh it up all you want, Magna's parade is awesome! For such a small town, we sure know how to celebrate!! Braxton got his first lesson on how to catch the candy being thrown all over the place. He would catch a piece and immediately want to eat it took awhile to get the stash built up! LOL. He loved the parade, an hanging out with the neighbors. After the parade we went to a bbq with our neighbors and their family and friends. We are so lucky to have to coolest neighbors ever! After the bbq we headed to the carnival and let Brax ride a few carny rides...the 4th just isn't the 4th without the cheesy carnival! It was a good time, complete with lots of delicious carnival food...cotton candy, nachos, and caramel apples, oh YEAH! We sat with the neighbors and their friends for the foreworks, it was alot of fun. Braxton loved them this year!! Sunday, the actual 4th (only in Ut do we celebrate a day early when holidays fall on a Sunday), we bought a few fireworks to do at home. BBQ'd some brats and hotdogs, had a little picnic outside and the shot off some fireworks with another family in our cul-de-sac. Again, we have some great neighbors! Yay for long holiday weekends! But like all other good things, it had to end. It's back to work tomorrow, and time to start looking forward to the next weekend, lol. I love summer!!