Sunday, June 13, 2010


So today we went to church...YES, I went to church, and no it did not burn down when I walked through the door. The lesson today was all about how so many people only turn to God when they NEED something..and never stop to thank God for the many blessings they have already. It was also about how people use God as a "good luck charm", meaning that they may wear a cross pendant that is their lucky charm, when the true meaning of the cross means nothing to them..or someone may go to church only because it's "the right thing to do". It made me reflect upon my own life and realize that I could use some improvement in that area. My goal is to not only pray when I need help, or just need something, but to pray everyday just to thank God for my life, and all that he has given me. I think if we all step back and look at our lives from outside of the box, we can see all that we have to be thankful for!

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