Tuesday, July 23, 2013

#6- The gift of precious time

Because time is never promised, I hate the fact that technology consumes us. I hate that I carry my phone everywhere I go...even into the damn bathroom! Hate that I'm constantly checking Facebook, instagram, email, etc. I miss the days when life was simple. People actually had to TALK to each other. You didn't have to get annoyed over being mid conversation with someone who suddenly looks at their phone as if it just can't wait. Technology, while making people more advanced in some ways has made them ignorant, socially awkward on many other levels. It's like an addiction & I'm completely guilty of taking my piece of the pie. I often think to myself how much more valuable relationships were before cell phones took over the world. It makes me sad to know that this is the world my kids will inevitably grow up in. They'll never experience the simple life like I had as a child. I can only do my part to shelter them as much as possible...ha ha! That's partially true, I refuse to hand my 5 year old a cell phone. Not even if it makes me a cool mom. I'll keep my boys innocent and little  for as long as I can, thank you very much.

I decided today, after having anxiety 2 days ago over being without the internet for ONE day, that I'd give it up willingly today, while at home, so I could give my boys precious time. Uninterrupted time, all of my attention on them. I found that it was much easier doing this as a choice, not being forced. I didn't miss the constant checking of my phone at all. We had a fun & productive day & I didn't sacrifice any of it to be consumed by the rat race of technology that we live in.  We laughed, played...even left the house by 9am, which is unheard of for me! We experienced Korbyn's first bloody injury at the park, and I didn't feel the need to post an instant status update, lol. It's sad to think that this was my gift for the day...when this should be my gift to them EVERY day. I'm embarrassed that I've allowed myself to become THAT mom. The mom who is consumed with the cell phone. From this day on, my cell phone will no longer be a priority in my life. Yes I will be taking pictures everywhere we go & of course I'm not going to abandon Facebook or Instagram... but I will be setting limits & focusing my time on what matters the most. I challenge all of you to have a cell phone free day with whoever it is that you spend your day with.

My gift today may seem silly...but it was by far the most meaningful & priceless one so far. The gift of time is irreplaceable!

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