Monday, August 12, 2013

#24- yard work.

Yes...that really does say yard work. And that really was my gift. While I do enjoy having a pretty yard...I really despise the upkeep. Bryan on the other hand would prefer doing the outdoor I don't argue. I'm even a little embarrassed to admit that I'm almost 31 & I've never ever mowed a lawn. I grew up with brothers so I never had to lol! Then I got married & well, still never had to.  I do enjoy planting flowers & adding personal touches to the yard. I just really hate bugs...and weeds. So I decided I'd shock Bryan and help him out in the yard for a change. We've been busy and thanks to lots of rain our weeds have been busy too. Busy growing and spreading, and providing a home for a new species of disgusting bugs that we discovered live back there now. Oh yeah, and they bite!

So there I was with my gloves and weed pulling tool...breaking my back bending over because I was too terrified to sit down amongst the bugs. I was feeling pretty good about my assistance. I pulled weeds, raked pine needles, then took a short break, apparently just in time. As I'm walking away from the weeds that are left I hear Bryan say " holy SNAKE". Pretty sure I did a record breaking sprint up our long flight of stairs to the backdoor. While I realize I'm a baby and bugs are a silly thing to fear...snakes take it to a whole new level. I'm 100% terrified of them & I'm sure had I been the one to discover it hiding in the weeds I would've fainted. I had tears in my eyes just looking at it as Bryan brought it onto the porch to show me through the locked door. Yep, tears over the sight of a snake. I realize garden snakes are harmless. But I also realize that I don't care...and I am now even more afraid of yard work. We've seen 3 snakes out there just this year. In 9 years here we had never even seen one!!  I'm not really thrilled.

I really hope Bryan appreciated my awesome, short lived efforts in the yard. It was a great gift in my mind...until the snake happened.

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